Powerful Words 1

"Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but Words will never hurt me." When we were young this statement most likely came up. However, we know that the tongue can cut like a sword. We have the power to speak life or death into those around us.

Powerful Words 1
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

"Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but Words will never hurt me." When we were young this statement most likely came up. However, we know that the tongue can cut like a sword. We have the power to speak life or death into those around us. The words we think influence us sometimes more than the words of others. Words from great leaders have changed or shaped our futures, and the Living Word of God changes us for eternity.

At the beginning of the year, I, like a lot of others, pray and seek God to give us a single word to focus on for the year. This usually ends up being something that that God is wanting to change in me or through me. People also use words to destroy strongholds. Affirmations that they say every day to focus them on what is true.

Before my mom passed, she left behind a list of what she called Powerful Words. I wanted to share these with you as you search for your words. Each of these words also had scripture that she selected to be read with them. I hope these may bless you as they did me.

The Greatest word is God

  • Psalm 95:3
    • How Great is our God?
    • Latin word for greatest can be maximus. It means greatest, highest, leading, longest, oldest.
    • Revelation 22:13

The Deepest word is soul

  • Matthew 16:26
    • Latin word for soul can be anima which means life.
    • What makes soul, Deep?

The Longest word is eternity

  • Matthew 25:46
    • Latin word for eternity can be infinitas which means infinity, limitless extent.

I would love you all to pray and seek God for your one word this year. I would also like you all to think about those negative and sinful things that you or others think or say about you. Then seek God and His Word for truths that can break down these strongholds. You can use this link to help you find God's truths. ( Find Your Words )